Canadian heraldry

Canadian heraldry

Official depiction of the Arms of Canada, in use since 1994
Tradition Gallo-British
Governance Canadian Heraldic Authority
Chief Officer Claire Boudreau, Chief Herald of Canada

Canadian heraldry is the cultural tradition and style of coats of arms and other heraldic achievements in both modern and historic Canada. It includes national, provincial, and civic arms, noble and personal arms, ecclesiastical heraldry, heraldic displays as corporate logos, and Canadian heraldic descriptions.

Derived mainly from heraldic traditions in France and the United Kingdom, Canadian heraldry also incorporates distinctly Canadian symbols, especially native flora and fauna, references to the First Nations and other aboriginal peoples of Canada, and uniquely Canadian elements such as the Canadian pale, derived from the Canadian flag. A unique system of cadency is used for daughters inheriting arms, and a special symbol for United Empire Loyalists.

In 1988, governance of both personal and corporate heraldry in Canada was patriated from the heraldic authorities in England and Scotland, with the formation of the Canadian Heraldic Authority, which now has exclusive jurisdiction over granting awards of arms in Canada. Coats of arms are used throughout Canada by all levels of government, in many cases including royal insignia as a mark of authority, as in the recently granted arms of the House of Commons and the Senate, and of Parliament as a combined body. Use of armorial bearings is not limited to governmental bodies; all citizens of Canada have the right to petition for an award of arms, as do other entities including businesses and religious institutions. The granting of arms is regarded as an honour from the monarch, via the governor general, and thus are bestowed only on those whom the Chief Herald has deemed worthy of receiving a grant of arms.



Royal Arms of France
Coat of Arms of Nova Scotia

The history of heraldry in Canada began with the raising of the Royal Arms of France by French explorer Jacques Cartier in 1534, when he landed on Canadian soil at what is now known as the Gaspé Peninsula.[1] From the beginning of the settlement of Canada until the Treaty of Paris in 1763, armorial bearings were largely either brought from France or awarded by the French crown. A notable exception is the Coat of Arms of Nova Scotia, awarded in 1625 by Charles I (making it the oldest coat of arms in the Commonwealth outside the United Kingdom[2]), in use until 1868, when it was replaced by a new achievement.[3] The original was later rediscovered, and replaced the 1868 version in 1929.[4][5] The present-day Coat of Arms of Newfoundland and Labrador was granted to a private company shortly after that of Nova Scotia, although it did not enter use as the region's arms until the 1920s.[6] The Coat of Arms of the Hudson's Bay Company was first used in 1671 (although no record of the original grant exists, and it was not registered with the College of Arms in London until 1921[7]), and has been in continual use with minor cosmetic changes to the official depiction ever since.[8]

Upon ratification of the Treaty of Paris, the British Crown confirmed the French awards of arms.[1] Between 1763 and 1867, the year of Canadian Confederation, there is little evidence of much heraldic activity.[1] After Confederation, however, heraldry in Canada became more widespread, including grants of arms to the provinces, various educational institutions, municipalities, and individuals.[1] In the immediate post-Confederation period, arms were granted to New Brunswick,[9] Nova Scotia,[4] Ontario,[10] and Quebec,[11] although not to the country as a whole.[3] In the period between the Treaty of Paris and Confederation, the Arms of the United Kingdom had served as the emblem of authority within Canada.[3]

From 1763 until 1988, heraldry in Canada was under the authority of the College of Arms in London and the Court of the Lord Lyon in Edinburgh. In the late 1980s, the Queen issued Letters Patent creating the Canadian Heraldic Authority.[1][12]

Modern heraldry


Now know Ye that We, by and with the advice of our Privy Council of Canada, do by these presents authorise and empower Our Governor General of Canada to exercise or provide for the exercise of all power and authorities lawfully belonging to Us as Queen of Canada in respect of the granting of armorial bearings in Canada.

From the Royal Warrant[13]

Before the creation of the Canadian Heraldic Authority, Canadians wishing to obtain a legally granted coat of arms had to apply to one of the two heraldic offices in the United Kingdom: either the College of Arms in London or, if of Scottish descent, the Court of the Lord Lyon in Edinburgh.[12] This process was quite lengthy—and costly. In addition, the heralds in Britain could sometimes be unfamiliar with Canadian history and symbols.[14] In time, many Canadians with an interest in heraldry began calling for an office that would offer armorial bearings designed by and for Canadians.[13]

As early as 1967, plans were reportedly in the works to transfer overview of heraldry from the College of Arms in the UK to Canada.[15] The push for a wholly Canadian heraldic system came largely from the Heraldry Society of Canada (now the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada[16]) almost from its inception,[17] though it was not seen as a priority by successive national governments.[13] In 1986, Vicki Huntington, a politician from British Columbia, forwarded a brief written by the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada calling for the creation of the Canadian Heraldic Authority to a staff member in then-Secretary of State David Crombie's office.[13] Mr. Crombie had his department organise a meeting in Ottawa the following year, to which many national and international heraldic experts were invited. The meeting concluded with "a strong recommendation to government that an Authority be created."[13]

Two years later, on 4 June 1988, then-Governor General Jeanne Sauvé authorised the creation of the Canadian Heraldic Authority, made possible by letters patent signed by Queen Elizabeth II, on the advice of her Canadian Privy Council, and presented by her son, Prince Edward.[12][13] As a result Canada became the first Commonwealth realm outside the United Kingdom to have its own heraldic authority.[12][13] Canada also provides full equality to women in terms of inheriting and transmitting arms.[13] Additionally, all armigers within Canada may file for trademark protection of their grant of arms under the Trade-Marks Act.[18]

State and national

Official depictions of the Arms of the Sovereign in Right of Canada

The Arms of Canada (also known as the Royal Arms of Canada[19] or the Arms of Her Majesty in Right of Canada[3]) has been, since 1921, the official coat of arms of the Canadian monarch, and thus also of Canada. It is derived from the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom,[20] with distinctive Canadian elements—the maple leaves and the reference to the French Royal Arms in the fourth quarter[21]—replacing or added to those derived from the British.[20]

The arms are used as a mark of authority[22] by various government agencies and representatives, including the Prime Minister[23] and Cabinet,[24] the Speaker of the House of Commons,[25] most courts (including the Supreme Court[26]), and, formerly, Parliament. It is also present on all denominations of Canadian paper currency[27] (the way the Arms are printed on each bill is a security feature[28]), and on the cover of Canadian passports.[27][29] Since 1962, a banner of the arms, defaced with a variant of the Queen's cypher, has formed the Royal Standard of Canada, for use by the sovereign in her capacity as monarch of Canada.[30] The personal flag of the Governor General has featured the crest of the arms of Canada on a blue background since 1981.[31][32]

On 15 February 2008, the House of Commons was granted its own heraldic symbol following a request by Commons Speaker Peter Milliken to the Canadian Heraldic Authority.[25] The new symbol for Parliament is a badge of the escutcheon in the Arms of Canada superimposed on the mace used by the House of Commons as a symbol of its authority derived from the Crown.[33][34] The Senate was granted a similar badge on 15 April 2008, using its own mace.[35] Parliament as a whole has been granted the right to use the escutcheon of the Arms of Canada, superimposed over the maces of the Commons and Senate in saltire.[36]

In June 2008, MP Pat Martin introduced a motion into the House of Commons calling on the government to amend the coat of arms to incorporate symbols representing Canada's First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.[37]


Flags of the Lieutenant Governors of Canada

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland and Labrador
As territories, the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut do not have Lieutenant Governors

In much the same way that there is a national coat of arms, each province and territory possesses its own unique arms;[38] Saskatchewan's is known formally as Her Majesty's Arms in Right of Saskatchewan.[39] The year after Confederation, Queen Victoria issued Royal Warrants assigning arms to Canada's original four provinces: Québec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.[3]

Each provincial coat of arms includes specific local symbolism;[38] most also include symbolism derived from the coats of arms of the United Kingdom, France, or both. Since 1868, each province and territory within Canada has been granted arms through warrants either from the monarch directly or from the Governor General, or has assumed them through other means.[3]

Apart from Newfoundland and Labrador,[40] each province and territory bears at least some elements from its coat of arms upon its flag. The flags of British Columbia,[41] New Brunswick,[9] Nova Scotia,[4] and Prince Edward Island[42] are banners of the provincial arms, while Alberta,[43] Manitoba,[44] Ontario,[10] Saskatchewan,[45] the Northwest Territories,[46] and the Yukon[47] each have the shield of the local coat of arms on their flags, with other design elements. The flag of Nunavut uses some elements from its coat of arms along with other symbols and colours.[48] The shield of the arms of each province, on a blue background and circled with ten gold maple leaves, the whole surmounted by a crown, forms the main element of the flag of the Lieutenant-Governor of that province. The exceptions are Nova Scotia, which uses the Union Flag defaced with the shield of Nova Scotia, surrounded by green maple leaves, and Quebec, which uses the shield on a white circle with the provincial motto inscribed below.[49]


The use of armorial bearings among Canadian cities is inconsistent, because many of them have been assumed and brought into force by local governmental authorities, rather than granted from the Crown.[50] Many municipal coats of arms either awarded or confirmed by the Canadian Heraldic Authority may be found within the Public Register of Arms, though the online version of the Register is not complete.[51]


The arms of Lt Gen Sir Archibald Cameron Macdonell (L) and Gen Sir Arthur William Currie (R), Currie Building, Royal Military College of Canada

In Canada, every citizen has the right to petition the Crown for a grant of arms.[52] Canadians who have been appointed to the Order of Canada are automatically entitled to receive an award of arms including the ribbon of the Order, or should they already be armigerous, to encircle their extant arms with the ribbon.[53] Amongst others, all members of the Privy Council are entitled to supporters in their arms, as are the Speakers of the House of Commons and the Senate, Companions of the Order of Canada, Commanders of the Orders of Military Merit, Merit of the Police Forces, and of the Royal Victorian Order.[53][54]

Unique Canadian elements and practices

Aboriginal and First Nations symbolism

Due to the history of Canada, heraldry in the country has incorporated aboriginal and First Nations symbols and elements.[55] The Coat of Arms of Nunavut,[48] for example, includes elements such as an inukshuk, a qulliq, and an igloo, all of which are references to the Inuit peoples who live in the area,[56][57] while the arms of the Canadian Heraldic Authority include ravens, a First Nations symbol of creation and transformation.[52] In addition, some Canadians choose to bear their arms on a roundel rather than a shield, a reference to a drumhead; an example is the coat of arms of Nunavut.


In many systems of heraldry, the arms of each living person must be unique. English heraldry has used armorial variants to distinguish the arms of brothers from their father's arms and from each other since the thirteenth century;[58] this is now normally done by the system of marks or brisures set up by the early Tudor herald John Writhe.[59] Canada adds a unique series of brisures for use by female children, who inherit arms. As in other heraldic systems, these cadency marks are not always used;[54] in any case, when the heir succeeds (in Canada, the first child, whether male or female, according to strict primogeniture), the mark of cadency is removed and the heir uses the plain coat of arms.[60]

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth
ermine spot
fir twig
chess rook
label of three points
cross moline
double quatrefoil[N 1]

Charges, ordinaries, and divisions of the field

The Canadian pale, a pale division amounting to half the entire field, derived from the Canadian flag, is widely used in Canadian heraldry, while the Canadian fess, a similar horizontal division, has been used once.[61][62] The term érablé, referring to maple leaves, is often used in Canadian arms. For example as a tressure érablé[63] in the arms of the Monarchist League of Canada,[64] coronets érablé in the arms of Sudbury[65] and Canada's National History Society,[66] and as a partition much like engrailed or dancetty.[62][67] Canadian animals and birds, both real and fantastical, have also been widely used in arms, including the mythical raven-bears in the arms of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.[62]

Status of women

In both the English[59] and the Scottish[60] systems of heraldry, from which the Canadian draws many of its practices,[13] a woman does not inherit or transmit arms unless she is an heraldic heiress,[68] that is, a daughter of an armiger who has no sons. In Canadian heraldry, by contrast, women may inherit arms on an equal basis with their brothers (if any).[13] Women in Canada may also transmit their arms to their heirs, regardless of gender.[13] This system of equality for men and women is a result of provisions in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,[13] which guarantee, among other things, freedom from discrimination under the law on the basis of sex.[69]

United Empire Loyalists

The Loyalist coronets

Those who are descended from the citizens loyal to the British Crown who fled the United States during and shortly after the revolution are known in Canada as United Empire Loyalists,[70] and are entitled to the use of special coronets within their arms, if arms are granted to them.[71] There are two versions of the Loyalist coronet: the civil, which is made up of alternating oak and maple leaves, and the military, made up of maple leaves alternating with crossed swords;[61] the latter is reserved for use by the families of those who served in the British military during the revolution.[71] Proof of Loyalist heritage must be provided to the Canadian Heraldic Authority before permission is granted to use the coronet in arms.[54] Unlike the common use of coronets in heraldry,[72][73] the Loyalist coronet denotes no rank of nobility or royalty, but instead alludes to ancestral allegiance.[71]

Obtaining arms

All citizens of Canada, as well as corporate bodies, may petition the Crown for an award of arms.[52] For an individual to obtain a grant of arms, a petition must be sent to the Chief Herald, providing a biography, references, and completed application forms. If the grant is approved, the individual then consults with heralds from the Authority to work out the design of their award. Upon completion of this process, the grant documents, in the form of letters patent, are created and provided to the grantee. The entire process is subject to certain fees required by the Government of Canada to cover costs of research and artwork; the fees are not to purchase the grant of arms. For corporations and institutions the process is similar.[52]

Those individuals and institutions who are already armigerous through recognised heraldic authorities worldwide may apply to the Canadian Heraldic Authority to have their arms registered. There is no cost associated with application for registration, and it takes less time, approximately three months,[74] than application for a new award of arms, which takes approximately twelve to fourteen months.[52]


  1. ^ Also known as an octofoil[54]


  1. ^ a b c d e "The History of Heraldry in Canada". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 28 April 2004. Retrieved 2008-08-21. 
  2. ^ "Symbols / Facts / About / The Nova Scotia Legislature". Province of Nova Scotia. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f "Royal Heraldry Society of Canada: The Coat of Arms of Canada". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 2007-02-05. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  4. ^ a b c "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Nova Scotia". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  5. ^ Fraser, Alistair B (1998-01-30). "Chapter XVIII, Nova Scotia". The Flags of Canada. Retrieved 2010-11-03. 
  6. ^ Churchill, Wendy; Dalziel, Alex and Rice, Vanessa (2010). "Heraldry and Flags: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage". Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  7. ^ "Hbc Heritage - Corporate Collections - Images - The HBC Coat of Arms". Hudson's Bay Company. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  8. ^ "CBC News - Canada - The Hudson's Bay Company". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 2008-07-24. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  9. ^ a b "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - New Brunswick". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  10. ^ a b "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Ontario". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  11. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Quebec". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  12. ^ a b c d "The Canadian Heraldic Authority". Canadian Heraldic Authority. 2005-09-27; updated 2006-06-14. Archived from the original on February 23, 2008. Retrieved 2008-11-03. 
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Watt, Robert D. (Summer 2004). "A Bold, Successful National Cultural Experiment". Canadian Monarchist News (The Monarchist League of Canada). 
  14. ^ "Royal Heraldry Society of Canada - Obtaining a Grant of Arms". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 2005-10-23. Retrieved 2008-11-06. 
  15. ^ Oxom, Harry; Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (1995). SOGC: The First Fifty Years 1944-1994. Taylor & Francis. p. 279. ISBN 1-85070-562-3. 
  16. ^ "Canada Gazette Part 1, Supplementary Letters Patent - Name change". Canada Gazette (Ottawa: Government of Canada) 137 (#27): 7. 5 July 2003. 
  17. ^ "About the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 2008-09-29. Retrieved 2008-11-06. 
  18. ^ "The Governor General of Canada - Additional Information". Governor General of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  19. ^ MacLeod, Kevin S; Jackson, Dr. D Michael and Monet, Fr. Jacques (2008). "A Crown of Maples - Introduction". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2009-07-01. 
  20. ^ a b "The Arms of Canada - Description". Department of Canadian Heritage. 2010-04-15. Retrieved 2008-10-24. 
  21. ^ "Symbols of Canada". Department of Canadian Heritage. 2008. p. 6. Retrieved 2009-07-01. 
  22. ^ Fraser, Alistair B (1998-01-30). "Chapter I, Canada's National Symbols". The Flags of Canada. Retrieved 2010-11-03. 
  23. ^ "Prime Minister of Canada / Premier ministre du Canada". Office of the Prime Minister. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  24. ^ "Prime Minister of Canada: The Ministry". Office of the Prime Minister. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  25. ^ a b "The Speaker - House of Commons Canada - Welcome". Parliament of Canada. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  26. ^ "Supreme Court of Canada - Welcome Page". Supreme Court of Canada. 2008-09-04. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  27. ^ a b Andrew Chung (2007-10-28). "Time to herald our northern coast?". The Toronto Star. Retrieved 2010-10-30. 
  28. ^ "Original Canadian Journey series $5 and $10 notes- Bank Note Security Features- Counterfeiting prevention- Bank Notes- Bank of Canada". Bank of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  29. ^ "Passport Canada: Features of the Passport". Passport Canada. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  30. ^ Fraser, Alistair B (1998-01-30). "Chapter II, Canada's Head of State". The Flags of Canada. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  31. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Personal Flags and Standards". Minister of Public Works and Government Services. Retrieved 2008-09-04. 
  32. ^ "The Governor General of Canada - Well-known Canadian Emblems". Governor General of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  33. ^ "Public Register of Arms- House of Commons". Governor General of Canada. Retrieved 7 October 2010. 
  34. ^ "Library of Parliament - Canadian symbols at Parliament". Library of Parliament. 2008-01. Retrieved 2010-08-23. 
  35. ^ "Public Register of Arms- Senate". Governor General of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-07. 
  36. ^ "The Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada - Heraldry". Governor General of Canada. 2004-02-25. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  37. ^ "Coat of arms ignores aboriginal people, MP says". CBC News. 20 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-20. 
  38. ^ a b "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2009-07-01. 
  39. ^ "Saskatchewan Coat of Arms - Office of the Provincial Secretary - Government of Saskatchewan". Retrieved 2008-10-29. 
  40. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Newfoundland and Labrador". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  41. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - British Columbia". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  42. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Prince Edward Island". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  43. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Alberta". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  44. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Manitoba". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  45. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Saskatchewan". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  46. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Northwest Territories". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  47. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Yukon Territory". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  48. ^ a b "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Nunavut". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-10-11. 
  49. ^ "Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion - Personal Flags and Standards". Department of Canadian Heritage. Retrieved 2008-09-04. 
  50. ^ "Common Misconceptions". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. Retrieved 2008-08-23. 
  51. ^ "The Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada - Heraldry". Governor General of Canada. 2007-03-26. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  52. ^ a b c d e "The Governor General of Canada - Applying for Armorial Bearings". Governor General of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  53. ^ a b "The Constitution of the Order of Canada". Governor General of Canada. 2009-04-30. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 
  54. ^ a b c d "Heraldry Examination". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. Retrieved 2008-08-30. 
  55. ^ "Canadian Heraldic Authority - Teacher's Kit (Heraldry in Canada)". Canadian Heraldic Authority. p. 20. Retrieved 2008-08-23. 
  56. ^ "Facts about Nunavut". Government of Nunavut. Retrieved 2010-10-30. 
  57. ^ "Creation of the Coat of Arms and Flag of Nunavut". Governor-General of Canada. 2005-12-06. Archived from the original on June 16, 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  58. ^ Charles Boutell, The handbook to English heraldry, ed. A. C. Fox-Davies (1914); Chapter XII
  59. ^ a b "The Law of Arms: The descent of arms". College of Arms. 2004-04-10. Retrieved 2008-10-02. 
  60. ^ a b "Beginners Heraldry, The Heraldry Society of Scotland - UK Heraldry". The Heraldry Society of Scotland. 2005-04-17. Retrieved 2008-11-06. 
  61. ^ a b "Royal Heraldry Society of Canada Canadian Heraldic Dictionary: C-index". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 2008-11-18. Retrieved 2010-10-02. 
  62. ^ a b c ICE: Webmaster. "RHSC Heraldry Examination". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  63. ^ "Royal Heraldry Society of Canada Canadian Heraldic Dictionary: C-index". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 2008-11-18. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  64. ^ "League Coat of Arms—The Monarchist League of Canada". The Monarchist League of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  65. ^ "The Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada - Heraldry". Governor General of Canada. 2004-02-25. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  66. ^ "The Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada - Heraldry". Governor General of Canada. 2004-02-25. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  67. ^ "Royal Heraldry Society of Canada Canadian Heraldic Dictionary: C-index". Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. 2008-11-18. Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  68. ^ Currer-Briggs, Noel (1982). "Appendix A.". Worldwide Family History. Routledge. p. 211. ISBN 0-7100-0934-8. OCLC 9780710009340. Retrieved 2008-11-06. 
  69. ^ "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Equality Rights". 6074332 Canada Inc., in association with SailorJones Media Inc.. Retrieved 2008-11-06. 
  70. ^ Wilson, Bruce G.. "Loyalists". Historica Foundation. Retrieved 2008-11-04. 
  71. ^ a b c Ruch, John E., UE Hon.FHSC (Fall 1990). "The Canadian Heraldic Authority and the Loyalists". The Loyalist Gazette XXVIII (2). Retrieved 2008-11-04. 
  72. ^ "heraldry :: Crowns and coronets - Britannica Online Encyclopedia". Britannica Online Encyclopedia. 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-30. 
  73. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed (1911). "Heraldry". Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Retrieved 2010-10-31. 
  74. ^ "The Governor General of Canada - FAQ". Governor General of Canada. Retrieved 2010-10-28. 

External links

Media related to [// Canadian Heraldry] at Wikimedia Commons